21 Ways to Increase Your Potassium!
Did you know most people don't get enough potassium?! Like seriously... An estimated 2% of Americans get the recommended 4700mg daily...

Flu Season???
There is so much controversy around the flu vaccine. I personally think the best way to combat the flu is with good nutrition and healthy...

Kid Approved Meatloaf Muffins
Whenever I get a recipe that my kiddos fall in love with, I HAVE to share it up onto my blog here as soon as possible! This is one of the...

The Easiest Meal Prep You'll Ever Do!
One of my family's favorite meals is a simple and nutritious Sloppy Joe! Join with me as I share a simplistic meal setting idea that...

Healthy Unicorn Bark
An absolutely delicious dessert that is totally healthy!! It’s called Unicorn Bark and it is kid tested by both Kali and Briggsand they...

Meal Prepping with Matu Webinar
I had such an amazing time sharing tips on meal prepping and hearing feedback from so many subscribers of how this webinar has helped...

Chocolate Peanut Butter Mug Lava Cake
So there I was, finished a healthy dinner and my parents busted out the chocolate cake of my dreams! haaha. However, I wanted to stay on...

9 Meal Planning Success Tips
When I first started my journey with the 21 Day Fix, I was really struggling with balancing my diet. I have found so much success in...

How to Create Your Mommy Schedule- and OWN it!
There are so many of us who rush through life, take care of this and that and forget to stop to smell the roses. I get caught up in that...

3 Tips in Burning Belly Fat
Thinking Thursday! Hi guys! I have some insights for you on helping you burn off belly fat, since that is most of our goals and...